About the Journal

ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on the science and applications in the field of electrical engineering, published by the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In addition to the above-mentioned areas, the journal also accepts papers that deal with interdisciplinary aspects of electrical engineering. Journal is free for readers, without any article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 20 days after submission. Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the registration to conferences and other events organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro. The editorial board reserves the right to reject papers without sending them out for review. The journal strives to maintain high-quality publications. 

All articles submitted to the ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering are checked against plagiarism with the Quetext software package.

The first scientific journal in the field of electrical engineering in Montenegro was released in 1989. The original title of this journal was the "Herald of Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Titograd". Four issues were published under this name. In these issues, papers were published by scientists and experts from a large number of universities and institutions. Contributions were published in local and English languages and the theme covered the field of electrical engineering and related areas.

In order to increase international affirmation, the journal got a new visual identity in 1995 and a new name: "ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering".

Since its first issue until today, the ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering is a special form of scientific and research activity, for the encouragement and promotion of new approaches and technologies in the field of electrical engineering.

In this sense, we are open to cooperation in all electrical engineering fields.

ISSN: 0354-6853 (print)
ISSNe: 2704-4971 (online)